October 31, 2009

stubbornness.. =\

hi evry1.. i just thought of postin sumthn diffrnt..
(as in compared to my othr posts..) so here goes;..

one of da hottest topics on debate till date is, whther men n women shud be treated equally for evrythin.. from ancient times women had byn considered da inferior sex.. gender discrimination became an issue of concern wen women finally began to raise thr voices n fight for thr rights.. several laws hav byn passed includin ‘The Equal Pay Act’ on April 22nd 1963, to giv employees equal wages for da same job regardless of thr sex.. howevr ths problms still remain..

why shud men n women be treated equally??.. this is a topic tht can be argued endlessly.. men n women r born equally by da laws of nature; thr is a 50 percent chance for da birth of either of da two sexes.. why then r we violating ths laws n da laws made by ourselves as well??..

*i gss i'll continue in da next post.. so till thn, take care.. n hav fun.. =D

June 23, 2009

Across the Universe..

Now da beach is deserted excpt 4 sum kelp,
n a piece of an old ship tht lies on da shore.

heii brothrz n sisterz..
sorry for nt bein arnd lately.. byn so bxy wit da classes, assignmnts, examz, holidayz (lol), newayz, da gud part is; m bakk!!.. for gud hpefully.. =D mis'd ya all..!!
so wut hav u all byn upto?? hpe thngz r kwl wit evry1..
nxt post'z gna cum up real soon, insha allah!. dn't forget to kyp n eye my blog for updatez..
lurv ya all.. tcx!!!..


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